Meeting Minutes August 2024

Sheldon Historical Society

August 20 Board Meeting

6:30 PM


Secretary,  July minutes

Treasurer’s report

Committee reports:

Building:  updates. Bruhn sponsored project; Second floor project; River level project

Events/program: Calcutta, F/GI historical Society meeting, Holiday Bazaar.

Fundraising, grants





Finance:  Committee chairs are reminded that committee  budget requests must be in hand this month!

House committee.

Board vacancies

Other business


The meeting was convened by vice president  DiAnne Crane  at  6:30 with board members present:  Kerri Churchill (treas),  Andrew Crane (sec), Lori Derry, Bryan Derry. Don McFeeters.  Absent: Mr Garrow, Mr Norris, Mr Smith. Also present: Ms Mercure

Minutes of the July 16 board meeting  were presented. With no additions or corrections, on a motion by Mr McFeeters/Ms Derry 2nd,  the minutes were accepted unanimously.

Ms Churchill is assuming new duties as treasurer: there is no updated report in this transition period. Signatures are required of all board members to complete various bank requirements: a form was circulated and board members present obliged. Ms Churchill notes that the bank’s reported  balance agrees with former treasurer Kane-Stebbins’ accounts. Ms Crane/Ms Derry 2nd moved to accept the report as presented. The motion passed unanimously

Speaking for the Building Advisory Committee, Mr Crane noted the Bruhn Grant-funded building program is nearly complete: reimbursement has recently been received for much of the cost. A building project list (qv) was circulated reminding board members of the scope of building needs. Mr Crane noted that the sign destroyed in the Great Wind of February is being replaced.

Ms Mercure updated the board on events and special programs. The Barn Quilt program was fully subscribed with 12 participants, and resulted in a net of $120, plus two finished pieces for the silent auction in September. The recent Ice Cream Social suffered from the threat of bad weather, with only 21 visitors, but netted $120: most of the unused ice cream was donated to the food shelf. The September 27 Calcutta planning is well advanced, with 14 sponsors on board, $250 in unspecified donations, more than two dozen items on hand for the silent auction, and only 36 tickets remaining to sell. Banners and posters are being distributed. Society participation in the November 2nd craft show was reviewed, and volunteers will be needed to prepare and serve food through the lunch hour.


The Exhibit committee is beginning work on the 2025 headline exhibit: Ms Crane asks for interested members to serve on the committee. It is noted that Vermont will be highlighting the United States’ semiquincentennial celebration throughout 2025-2026, and our activities can be leveraged by this national attention.

The  Finance Committee requests committee chairs deliver budget requests by the September meeting so the budget will be ready for approval at our October meeting.  Mr Crane notes that the Society by-laws require budget approval by the membership at the June annual meeting: however, the board of directors has changed the fiscal year to the calendar year, making budget approval in June unworkable. A by-law change will be proposed to rectify this inconsistency.

There was no report from the membership committee, and discussion ensued concerning the responsibilities of the membership chair. Formerly, the chair circulated monthly updates –electronically, for the most part- including information of interest to the membership, built around the approved minutes of the previous board meeting. A consensus emerged that regular communications with Society members is a necessary function of the membership committee or its chair.

A question arose about the possible value of signage on Vermont  105, announcing the Society’s location in the Creek. Ms Crane will explore the cost of such a State approved sign.

Board vacancies: board members are elected by the membership at annual meeting.  Article 5, §4 of the Society by-laws authorizes the board to appoint directors to fill vacancies, which appointments shall be confirmed at the next annual meeting. Two Society members have expressed interest in serving on the board of directors. Mr Crane/Mr McFeeters 2nd  moved that the board appoint Peter Kaseoru and Kurt Valenta to serve as directors of the Society. The motion was approved unanimously.

In other business, Mr McFeeters noted the St Albans Museum is hosting the Smithsonian’s traveling Crossroads/Rural America exhibit. We are invited to attend an opening program and reception Saturday, 8/24 at 5:30pm.

On a motion by Mr Crane/Mr Derry 2nd, the meeting was adjourned at 8:05pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Andrew Crane

