Meeting Minutes May 2024

Sheldon Historical Society Directors Meeting

May 21, 2024


Agenda                                                                    DRAFT Until Accepted

  • Secretary’s report
  • Treasurer’s report
  • Hours of Operation
  • Committee reports:
    1. Building
    2. Exhibit committee
    3. Membership chairmanship
    4. Collections
    5. Finance
    6. Fundraising
    7. Events/programs
      1. Terry Lovelette Book Signing
  • Board Membership
  • Other business

The meeting was convened by president  Brent Garrow  at  6:30 with board members present:  DiAnne Crane (v pres) Celeste Kane-Stebbins (treas, via zoom),  Andrew Crane (sec), Lori Derry, Bryan Derry. Don McFeeters.  Absent: Mr Norris, Mr Smith. Also present: Kerri Churchill, introduced by Mr Garrow; Ms Mercure; Mr and Mrs Severy.

Minutes of the April 17 meeting  had been circulated electronically, and were offered for consideration. No amendments were offered, and on a motion from Mr McFeeters (Ms Crane 2nd) the minutes were accepted unanimously.

Ms Kane-Stebbins introduced the treasurer’s report (qv)  calling attention to a change in format:  the 2024 budget projections now appear aligned  with  YTD  income and expenditures,  and the variance is calculated for quick reference. A separate cash flow report adds further detail. In a broader discussion, the  finance committee is preparing two policy documents for consideration at the June meeting: establishing an operating reserve fund; and framing an investment policy. Mr Crane (Ms Crane 2nd) moved to accept the treasurer’s report, and the motion carried without objection.

Mr Garrow called for discussion of  hours of operation during the present season.  It is noted that the building has been open for two preceding Saturdays.  During the 2023 season   open hours were 3 hours on each of Thursday and Saturday. Wider weekend hours were considered, as the rail trail activity brings visitors to the area all weekend long. The usefulness of weekday open hours was discussed, with no consensus emerging.  The length of the time commitment was thought perhaps unattractive to  volunteers, and a suggestion was made that two volunteers split the time commitment for each shift. The matter was referred to Ms Mercure to resolve in committee. In the interim, Thursday and Saturday hours  will be 10am-2pm.

Mr Crane addressed progress on the building program; reporting that the stairway reconstruction will begin the first week in June with Milestone Construction of St Albans tackling the job. Penrod Stairs will manufacture the stairs to be installed by Milestone.  Mr Crane noted that Rainville Electric has largely completed rewiring the second floor hall, and the State inspector will need to sign off on the work before the insulation project can begin.  Quotes have not yet been received for the   replacement steps to the lower, river level.

Ms Crane reported on the work of the Exhibit committee, which has reset the Springs exhibit, the Bygone Bridges exhibit, the Pomeroy arrowhead collection,  and the Agriculture exhibit. Work continues on this year’s headline Schools exhibit.

Ms Mercure and Mr Garrow spoke of events and programs  developed for the present season. A Sheldon graded school class tour is scheduled for June 4,  with Ms Regan coordinating with Ms Mercure. A book signing with local author Terry Lovelette is booked for June 22; Annual Meeting is scheduled for June 25th; a strawberry social/tea party has emerged for July 2 3-5pm at the Severy home; July 25th a “Barn Quilt” class is scheduled in conjunction with the Billings Farm museum; an Ice Cream Social is tentatively scheduled for an unspecified August date; the Calcutta will be held September 27 at the Abbey;  October 5th Georgia will host thel Franklin/Grand Isle County historical Society annual meeting; and the Holiday Bazaar will perhaps seek the Society’s help providing food  November  2nd.

Mr Smith was unable to attend, and discussion of membership was passed over.

Mr McFeeters , speaking for the collection committee,  reiterated the need for certain furnishing to preserve and organize the Society’s  collections. He called attention to the recent work of Mr Smith, now published on the Society’s web site, documenting  many  businesses in Sheldon Springs.

In other business, the question was posed: to what specific mission will the Calcutta earnings be applied.  It was noted that the building rehabilitation continues to demand significant financial resources, but the Town has allocated a substantial amount this year to finish the upstairs hall project.  The lower level would be a suitable target for fundraising. The “memorial  bench” gifting opportunity  was  discussed, with the concept  needing  further study to determine: a) style or type; b) cost of acquisition; c) placement.  A subcommittee will be tasked; no volunteers were forthcoming.

Ms Churchill  noted that an outline of board duties would be a helpful tool:  both for prospective board members and sitting board members alike.

A motion to adjourn was raised at 8:15,  and approved unanimously

Respectfully submitted,


Andrew Crane