Minutes Meeting April 2024

Sheldon Historical Society Directors Meeting

April 17, 2024

3PM, town office

  • Secretary’s report
  • Treasurer’s report
  • Committee reports:
    1. Building
    2. Exhibit committee
    3. Membership chairmanship
    4. Collections
    5. Finance
    6. Fundraising
    7. Events/programs
      1. Terry Lovelette Book Signing
  • Board Membership
  • Other business

The meeting was convened by president  Brent Garrow at 3PM, with board members present:  DiAnne Crane (v pres) Celeste Kane-Stebbins (treas, via zoom),  Andrew Crane (sec), Harold Smith, Lori Derry, Don McFeeters (via zoom). Absent: Mr Norris, Mr Derry.

Minutes of the last meeting (October, 2023) had been circulated electronically, and were offered for consideration. No amendments were offered, and on a motion from Mr Smith (Ms Derry 2nd) the minutes were accepted unanimously.

Ms Kane-Stebbins circulated the treasurer’s report electronically (qv), and reviewed it with special attention to the April 2 transfer of banking authority to the People’s Trust Company. Several improvements were described: reduced minimum balances  and transaction/maintenance fees, and increased interest on daily balances.  A separate  certificate of deposit has been created to lodge  unexpended capital funds.  An on-line banking capability is being set up.  Current spending against the 2024 budget was briefly discussed. Mr Crane (Ms Crane 2nd) moved to accept the treasurer’s report, and the motion carried without objection.

Mr Crane spoke of the status of the building projects.  The Selectboard approved using $25,000 of ARPA money to complete work on the upstairs rehabilitation goals. Rainville Electric will begin rewiring the space this week; to be followed by insulation, sheetrock, painting, and trim, in succession.   Work on the replacement cement steps is also covered by the ARPA allowance, as well as additional framing support in the former Town Clerk office. Contractors for the latter work have not yet been named.

The exhibit committee has met several times. Ms Crane notes work is in progress to reset the several  main floor exhibits. Last  season’s headline exhibit has been consolidated in a smaller form, and the 2024 headline Schools exhibit, presently untitled, will occupy the west wall. Ms Crane reported on a meeting of regional historical societies in Milton April 10 at which she represented Sheldon. The discussion provided valuable insights in exhibit and display best practices.

Mr Smith was named chair of the membership committee, and is anxious to update and expand the member rolls.  Board members discussed building member engagement, and the need to relaunch the Society’s  annual appeal. Mr Smith will welcome support in reaching out to lapsed members.

Mr McFeeters spoke briefly about the Collections committee, which will meet soon after his return from Florida in early May.  Appropriate storage for archived materials is a continuing concern. The potential for secure storage in the large upstairs hall was described. Mr McFeeters stated that several items appropriate for our collection have been offered, and will be accessioned this summer.

The Finance Committee will meet before the May meeting, to develop policies for legacy giving and endowments.

Fundraising chair Ms Mercure was not present, but submitted suggestions via email. She reiterated that the Calcutta appears to be the Society’s singular fundraising event; the 2024 event is on the calendar for Sept 27th. She also identified a Sheldon historical society cookbook as a 2024 goal. Board members expressed affinity for the idea. Concern was voiced that the project should not be rushed.   Ms Mercure also mentioned continuing interest in the Barn Quilts, and a barn quilt painting  class is under development.

Programs and Events Committee: Mr Garrow mentioned that local author Terry Lovelette has offered to present his book of musings as an event at the society this summer. Ms Crane observed that Jason Barney also has published on local history; and authors of other relevant histories might similarly be interested in presenting to our members.  The event committee is advised to create a program for such events. A calendar of those events should be available soon, as summer calendars fill fast.

Media committee chair Smith will explore the cost of internet connectivity at 200 Bridge Street. The security system presently is not an alarm: merely a recording. Mr Smith will query the Town concerning the possible addition of the building as a node on its system.

In Other Business, Mr Garrow remarked that attendance at a local bingo event was astonishing: would such an activity fit into our fundraising profile?  Mr Crane wonders if we wander out of our historical mission to become the community watering hole; Ms Crane opines that two fundraisers bracketing the season wouldn’t be too much.

Ms Crane noted that school students need community service hours, and we have been approached. Mr Garrow will speak to school authorities to extend our welcome (and limited availability) for such students. Adult supervision required.

Mr Garrow mentions our board is not fully seated, and asks for recommendations and nominations. Mr McFeeters notes that certain responsibilities of the board require specific skills, and nominees should be sought who provide necessary expertise.  Nominees need to know what expectations the board has in them.

Ms Kane-Stebbins has updated the Society’s non-profit registration.

The next board meeting will be May 21 at 6:30. Annual meeting date and program TBD.

Meeting adjourned at 4:25

Respectfully submitted,


Andrew Crane