Meeting Minutes September 2023

SHS Board Meeting

Tuesday September 19, 2023

6:30 p.m. at the Museum



  1.   Secretary’s Report   ( Andy  )
  2.   Treasurer’s Report.  ( Celeste )
  3.   Committee Update: Calcutta (MacDonald)

Building Advisory (Crane)            Finance (Crane)

Collections (McFeeters)

Exhibits  (D Crane)

Media/Tech (Smith)

  1. Use of building
  2.   Other



V.President D Crane convened the meeting at 6:35 in Mr Garrow’s  absence.   Mr McFeeters, Mr Crane (Secretary), Ms Kane-Stebbins (treasurer), Mr Smith, Ms MacDonald,  Ms Derry, Mr Norris, Mr Derry attending.

Mr Crane presented minutes of the August meeting (incorporated here by reference). Mr Norris moved (Ms Crane 2nd) to accept. With no additions or corrections the minutes were accepted as presented.

Ms Kane-Stebbins presented the treasurer’s report (qv). Mr Crane moved (Ms Crane 2nd) to accept. The treasurer remarked that the Finance Committee requires budget inputs prior to the October meeting. It was observed that the attribution of funds to specific purposes is unclear, and Mr Crane suggests that sub-fund balances be included in future reports. Treasurer’s report was accepted as presented.

Ms MacDonald reported on the work of the Calcutta committee, noting that only a couple of tickets remain available. Sponsorships have all been paid in, and tasks have been assigned for all functions necessary to support the event. The presentation of exhibit materials remains fluid, with a slide show seen as a likely default. Mr Smith has the problem in hand.

Mr Crane reported for the Building Advisory committee. A contract for the grant-funded roof work was resolved, consistent with the proposal received in April. The committee reviewed the status of work on the addition, and discussed the interior rehabilitation proposed for the second floor. An RFP has been circulated to area contractors. The committee is exploring the cost of dehumidifing the Town Office space, and the cost of maintaining a low level of heat in the basement through the winter.

Mr Crane also remarked on the meeting of the Finance Committee, reiterating Ms Kane-Stebbins call for budget inputs by committee chairs. This committee will propose a budget for Board approval at the October meeting, and requires hard-number input from responsible committees by October 10th.  Mr Crane noted that the framework of the finance committee’s responsibilities was discussed. The Finance Committee also is considering and will  propose policy for the Board’s approval, governing the establishment and stewardship of reserve funds; governing investment and stewardship of Society assets, and procedures for the solicitation of “legacy” gifts and endowments.

Mr McFeeters reported on the Collections. New items are appearing, and the Calcutta  represents an opportunity to build community awareness of the Society’s interest in acquiring new artifacts. The Brouillette family has conveyed a number of items, now undergoing  assessment.

Ms Crane spoke of the Exhibit Committee, which has met to define the scope of the committee’s tasks, and to survey exhibit options for the 2024 season. The committee will be responsible for creating the headline exhibit and other topical materials, as well as refreshing older displays. This team will collaborate with the collections and event committees  to maximize the impact of our resources. Budget needs are unclear at this stage, and will be clarified for the October deadline.

Mr Smith spoke for the media/tech team, and reports the Society’s recent minutes are now posted on the website. Mr Smith reviews Facebook postings to the Society’s FaceBook page, alert to posts of interest to our members while moderating the site.

Use of the Building. A policy for the appropriate use of the building was discussed. Mr Crane noted that the town has few public spaces where secular events may be held, and the use of the Society’s property could be open, within certain clear guidelines. The care and protection of artifacts and exhibits must govern the terms under which other uses are allowed.

Mr Crane moved/Ms Derry 2nd that Mr McFeeters draft a policy governing usage of the building by community groups or individuals. The draft policy will be considered at our October meeting.


Mr Crane asks if the Board would like to reprise the Summer Camp concept for 2024. It may be a matter of interest to bring up at the October 7 Franklin/ Grand Isle County Historical Society  meeting in Fairfield, for a possible collaboration with other groups.  Members wishing to attend the Fairfield/Regional meeting are reminded to RSVP to Fairfield.

Mr Crane asks if the Society will serve lunch at the November craft show. The Board is unaware of any contact with, by, or from the craft show organizers.

Ms Kane-Stebbins noted that the Memorial Brick order form indicates the bricks will be installed in 2023. Mr Crane hopes donors understand the walk is subject to the same unwelcome Bruhn Grant approval delays besetting the roof and stairway projects.

Mr Norris asked for an updated membership roster, noting that it would be helpful in approaching community members. Mr Smith will provide an updated roster. In that vein, Mr Crane mentioned the importance of the newsletter as a member “appeal” opportunity, and asks if the membership committee is responsible for developing this annual outreach.  The issue of the newsletter  and annual appeal will be addressed at the October meeting.

Ms Kane-Stebbins has formatted a budget template, streamlining the process of  budget development. Unfortunately the Board computer and screen was powered down before the template could be previewed and discussed.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 on a motion by Mr Norris/Derry 2nd .


Respectfully submitted


A Crane, sec’y