Meeting Minutes June 2024

Sheldon Historical Society Directors Meeting

June 18, 2024



  • Secretary’s report
  • Treasurer’s report
  • Hours of Operation
  • Committee reports:
    1. Building
    2. Exhibit committee
    3. Membership chairmanship
    4. Collections
    5. Finance
    6. Fundraising
    7. Events/programs
      1. Terry Lovelette Book Signing
  • Board Membership
  • Other business

The meeting was convened by president  Brent Garrow  at  6:30 with board members present:  DiAnne Crane (v pres) Celeste Kane-Stebbins (treas),  Andrew Crane (sec), Lori Derry, Bryan Derry. Don McFeeters.  Absent: Mr Norris, Mr Smith. Also present: Ms Mercure

Minutes of the May 21 board meeting  were presented. The date of the Annual Meeting was reported incorrectly: with the date corrected (June 26th)  the minutes were accepted unanimously.

Ms Kane-Stebbins introduced the treasurer’s report (qv)  calling attention to the strength of the Society finances. The process for distribution of, and accounting for, ARPA funds is unresolved. The Town Administrator will clarify this process with the selectboard. Ms Crane/ms Derry 2nd moved to accept the report as presented. The motion passed unanimously.  Ms Kane-Stebbins announced that she will not seek re-election to the board, and will not be able to continue as treasurer.

The Finance Committee submitted a proposal  establishing an operating reserve fund (qv).  The reserve’s minimum shall be equal to an average 12 months’  operating expense, managed in an interest bearing investment vehicle overseen by the Finance Committee. Mr Crane (Ms Crane 2nd) moved to adopt the Operating Reserve Fund  proposal. The motion carried without objection.  Action on a proposed Investment and Endowment  policy was deferred.

Open hours will be Thursday and Saturday, 10am-2pm.  Ms Mercure has generously coordinated time slots and volunteers to keep the doors open.

Mr Crane addressed progress on the building program: reporting that the stairway reconstruction is well underway, the upstairs hall has been wired, the electrical inspector has approved the work, and the ramp will be completed soon.  The damaged sign is at the shop: Mr Crane will follow up with Jon Johnson on its replacement.

No report from the membership chair.


Mr McFeeters reported for the collections committee: a Missisquoi Farm milk bottle has been received from Peter and Diane Kaseoru; a pedal-powered grindstone –formerly of the Poor Farm-  has been donated by Don Little; a glass display case is donated by Michael and Andrea Parizeau; and two Kittell store wooden yardsticks were donated by the Matt Stebbins family.  The committee has purchased a five drawer map cabinet: part of the purchase price was met with a $100 cash donation.

Ms Crane reported for the  Exhibit committee, which has begun planning for the 2025 headline exhibit. 2025 is the United State’s semiquincentennial celebration, and  Elisha Sheldon’s role in the Revolutionary War is an obvious focal point for our display. The Society’s programs should be coordinated with other official  Vermont  activities over the two-year celebration.

Ms Mercure and Mr Garrow spoke of events and programs  developed for the present season. Calcutta planning is underway, with a call for donated auction items. Sponsorships are  being solicited.  The ticket cost has increased this year to $125 for a couple, but the prize will increase to $2,500.

In preparation for Annual Meeting on June 26th, at which board members will be elected, names of several prospective board members were raised and discussed. By-laws stipulate a board of as many as 13 members: presently, 9 members serve in this capacity.

In other business, it was noted that our custodian, Joe Sweet, is unable to continue and a new custodian should be found.

Mr Crane /Ms crane 2nd  moved to adjourn:  approved unanimously at 7:50,

Respectfully submitted,


Andrew Crane