Meeting Minutes – August 2023

SHS Board Meeting

Tuesday August 15, 2023

6:30 p.m. at the Museum



  1.   Secretary’s Report   ( Andy  )
  2.   Treasurer’s Report.  ( Celeste )
  3.   BAC Update
  4. Update on building addition.  ( Andy )
  5.   Exhibits    Board Action
  6.     Calcutta  ( Lisa )
  7.     Collections  ( Don )
  8.      Other

SHS Priorities


President Brent Garrow convened the meeting at 6:35, with  Mr McFeeters, Ms Crane, Mr Crane (Secretary), Ms Kane-Stebbins (treasurer), Mr Smith, Ms MacDonald attending.  Ms Derry, Mr Norris, Mr Derry absent.

Draft minutes of the July meeting were circulated, and on a motion by Ms Kane-Stebbins/Ms Crane 2nd were accepted without objection. Mr Smith observed that it is not presently possible to post the minutes on a members-only web page. Hard copies, however, will continue to be posted at the building.

Treasurer Ms Kane-Stebbins reported the Society’s cash flow, July 17 to date, noting a net gain of $4,439.11 attributable in large part to Calcutta sponsorships received. The treasurer’s report was accepted without objection on a motion by Ms Crane/Mr Smith 2nd.

Mr Crane spoke to the matter of the Paul Bruhn grant and potential ARPA funding, providing background for board members who had not previously been informed. The Bruhn grant review process continues, with no status updates provided by the PTV administrator, Jenna Lapachinski.   Mr Garrow asked if contracts had been signed following the Board’s acceptance of the roofing proposal in June. Mr Crane indicated that no contract has been signed, but the contractor was present when the Board accepted his proposal and indicated in general terms a November time frame. The vagueness of the Bruhn review process makes it impossible to obligate a contractor to a start or completion date.  A concern was expressed that the contractor may be overextended, and unable to execute the job. Mr Garrow asked further about the stairway proposal from Blackhorse: Mr Crane observed that the quote has expired, and he awaits confirmation of current  pricing from Blackhorse.  Mr McFeeters moved/Ms Kane-Stebbins 2nd that we accept the Blackhorse proposal, with the qualification that if present pricing exceeds 120% of the original proposal, all proposals will be reconsidered. The motion was approved.

Mr Crane also noted the ramp cost quoted from Charles Fichman was solicited as a budget quote. Mr Fichman’s health has made it impossible for him to accept new work: the Building Advisory committee will seek a competent builder to execute the ramp component.

A Request for Proposal, addressing the interior rehabilitation of the second floor and river-level town office space, was circulated and the board asked to comment. Funding for this project will be sought from the Selectboard once proposals are received and evaluated. Mr Crane indicated that the RFP would be posted publicly, but asked board members with knowledge of particular or preferred contractors to share such information with the building committee. Ms MacDonald expressed interest in sitting on the building advisory committee.

Mr Crane reported on the clapboard project, noting that the east and south walls are complete. The west wall remains, but materials are on hand: primed and, to a large measure, painted.

Mr McFeeters/Ms Crane 2nd  moved that the president appoint an exhibit committee empowered to develop and execute the featured exhibit(s) for 2024. There was some confusion surrounding the use of “design” and “exhibit” terminology, as an earlier design committee bore responsibility for details of interior design and layout, color choices, and fixtures.  Ms Crane volunteered to marshall a team to imagine, create, and present exhibits for the coming season.

Mr Crane spoke at unnecessary length about the need to disperse tasks to and among teams/committees, whose work will relieve the board of unwarranted minutiae. A discussion of the risks and benefits of such a committee structure emerged, with concern that innovation and creativity can suffer under heavy-handed leadership.  Concern was expressed about our struggles to find people willing to assume tasks. All board members are expected to find a committee “home”, but committee leadership will be encouraged to build teams beyond the present core of volunteers.

Present committees working effectively include Collections, Building Advisory, and Fundraising committees. Ms Mercure wishes to continue as Fundraising chair, and the Calcutta subcommittee has been extremely successful under her leadership.    Additional committees proposed include Finance, Technology, and Programs/education, membership, and house operations with others likely to emerge over time as unique needs or skill sets are demanded. Mr McFeeters/mr Crane 2nd  moved that these proposed committees be established; and presumptive leadership was tasked to Mr Smith (Technology/social & media) Mr Crane, Ms Kane-Stebbins (Finance) and Mr Garrow (events/programming). The scope and mandate of each committee must be further enunciated by board action.

Ms MacDonald reported that the Calcutta planning process is on track and well ahead of the 2022 performance to date. Sponsorships have been secured and signage can be produced and posted. Ticket sales have begun. Ms MacDonald also reported several contributions have been received in Marie Brouillette’s memory. Unless a specific purpose is stated with the memorial contribution, the donation is recorded as a memorial gift but deposited in the general fund.

Mr McFeeters circulated notes from the recent Collections committee, incorporated here by reference. The committee considered the 2023 headline exhibit “When Sheldon’s Springs Were In Such Fashion”, deriving ideas to expand the reach and impact of subsequent exhibits. Several artifacts have been received and cataloged.

Concerning the replacement of the Bridge Street bridge: Mr Crane offered a draft letter of interest, to express the action of this board taken earlier recommending a reconstruction of the 1830 Burr Arch double barrel covered bridge.  Mr Crane noted the selectboard will hear from Vermont covered bridge expert Jan Lewandoski at its meeting August 28th. The Historical Society’s letter of interest will be submitted before that meeting. Letters of support are also sought from the Division of Historic Preservation, and the Preservation Trust of Vermont.  With this, the Society has assumed the lead on this proposal and should expect to defend the concept vigorously. Mr Smith/Mr McFeeters 2nd moved to approve the letter of interest, to be forwarded to the selectboard, and the motion was accepted without objection.

Ms Kane-Stebbins/Ms MacDonald 2nd moved to adjourn: passed unanimously at 8:15pm.

Respectfully submitted,


Andrew Crane, secretary.