Congregational Parsonage – Masson Trust

Historic Line of Ownership by deeds in the Sheldon Town Hall

Owned by J W Sheldon prior to 1853
5/31/1853 property deeded to George & Sarah Atherton
9/5/1863 D D Wead and others purchased for church
1881 to 1924 Owned by the Congregational Church
10/10/1924 Sold to N E Creamer then Alden Brothers Creamery
4/24/1928 Sold to H P Hood Creamery
7/12/1935 sold to Robert and Dorothy Ashton
In 1974 purchased by Andrew Masson Jr and Agnes
Currently in the Masson Trust


1982 Vermont Division For Historic Preservation Sheldon Survey

Owner: Masson built in 1865
Greek Revival House originally built as parsonage for Congregational Church (immediately north): 3×3 bay, 1 1/2 story gable-front, side-hall plan. Projecting second floor over open porch. Box cornice, wide frieze board. Corner pilasters and porch posts: square with recessed panels, square bases. Mostly modern sash. Mix aluminum and clapboard siding. Knee wall attic windows along sides. Entry: 3/4 sidelights flank 4-panel (glass, upper) door, simple tribulated surround. attached rear wing continues ridge line. 2 bay barn doors on rear north

This is a currently standing structure in everyday use that served as the Congregational Church Parsonage from around 1865 to 1924. Ownership by the three successive creameries was due to the fact that they used it as the creamery manager’s residence. One of those individuals was a relative of the Spaulding’s who now own the Sheldon property