Kittell Property

Kittell Property once owned by Henry H Hawley

Historic Line of Ownership by deeds in the Sheldon Town Hall

Asa Aldis sold one-quarter acre of land to Henry H Hawley wbo likely built the house around 1847
Henry Hawley lived here until 1871
Allen and Nabbied Trudeau lived here from 5/31/1871 until 1926
On 9/9/1926 Wallace and Velma Kittell purchased the property
On 2/12/1970 they sold to Sherwood and Kathryn Kittlell
On 3/29/1996 Richard Johnson purchased the home




1982 Vermont Division For Historic Preservation Sheldon Survey

Owner: Sherwood Kittell built c 1850
Completely modernized Greek Revival-era house: gable-front with projecting 2nd floor over open porch supported by four posts (similar to the Parsonage) Molded box-cornice. Frieze boards. New sash, doors, aluminum siding, read deck and exterior block chimney have destroyed much of the original fabric.